Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Alphabe Thursday - Rainbow Red

Summer Session has started! Time once again for Alphabe-Thursday, The Sequel, taught by Mrs. Matlock. If you haven't been to class yet, it's ok. Mrs. Matlock makes all of the "newbies" feel welcome.
This week, we start essays on the colors of the rainbow. We start with red, which is my favorite color. But I've been super ridiculously busy, so I had to reach back in my archives and repost about our town's annual Red Poppy Festival.

Every April, our little town hosts the annual Red Poppy Festival. There is nothing more fun than enjoying a fun outdoor festival on a beautiful Texas spring day!

Georgetown claims the title the Red Poppy Capitol of Texas. When we first moved here, this little celebration was held on the first weekend in May and was called Mayfest. Several years ago, they moved it up to April and renamed it the Red Poppy Festival. What started out as a small community celebration of spring has turned into a 2 1/2 day festival filled with a parade, music, food, art and fun. This year we had over 30,000 visitors!

The best part of the festival this year? DH's band was asked to play on the main stage. They call themselves "Borrowed Time" because they are all a bit long in the tooth to be starting the whole rock star thing :) 4 of the 6 band members met each other because our kids were all in band together. They discovered that they all played instruments, and starting playing together for fun. A friend of a friend recommended that they be asked to play the Poppy Festival. They didn't earn any money, but they had a great time. And they went over so well that they were asked to play next year as an opener for the Friday night street dance - for pay!

Now stop by and read Mrs. Matlock's rules. Then get cracking helping her to read this week's essays!

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Jo said...

look at you all married to a rock star!!! i think its wonderful that your hubby can entertain and he probably has a great time doing it. and the poppy festival looks fun!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

You are so funny! Long in the tooth? I hope DH doesn't see this, Kat. LOL! And I love the name Borrowed Time.

The Poppy Festival looks like fun!


Sheila :-)

Annesphamily said...

I love a parade and I love poppy flowers! I am really hugry now because there is nothing like a lemon and poppy seed muffin! Yummy! Anne

Deb said...

my Great Grandparents lived in Georgetown when I was a kid...we went to Round Rock every year for a family reunion...

Sarah said...

I was almost certain you would post about the Georgetown Poppy Festival. I'm glad you did! I've never been, but I know about it. My post is about poppies too. Isn't it wonderful that they grow so abundantly around here? ~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

I love the red shirts. They just look so festive.

Cheryl said...

I remember this. So glad you took time to repost for RED. It was definitely worth a second look.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...



Lola said...

Hi again!
The Georgetown Poppy Festival is new to me but so wonderful! And I love the other examples of Rainbow Red in yr post!
Have a lovely weekend,
PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can stop by!

Dawn said...

Looks like a great event. I love the white carriage!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Kat! I always love seeing pics of your town...the perfect all-American slice of apple pie! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Kat your town has the nicest festivals! I know Texas has lots of pretty red poppies so this is a perfect occasion to celebrate.

Susan Anderson said...

Borrowed time.


Love it.


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

How's it feel to be a rock star's wife? Does he have groupies?

signed...bkm said...

Did not know there was a Red Poppy Festival...sounds like good fun...bkm

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great festival. There's nothing like small town parties!


The Decorative Dreamer said...

How wonderful! I have never heard of a red poppy festival! So neat that to hear about your husbands band too! Very cool!

Viki said...

I love a parade. It looks wonderful. You know I don't think I've ever seen a poppy in person lol. Great red post.

Tina said...

I LOVE small town festivals. This was a great post. And how totally fun that DH has friends to play with! I miss my band days...

Pondside said...

I love a small-town festival, and yours sounds like a lot of fun. Those marchers in the red shirts and white shorts are having way too much fun!

Jenny said...

What a perfect stop on our little journey through the color Red for Alphabe-Thursday's summer school!

I am intriqued by this festival. It makes me want to move there just so I can be a part of that.

I love that you're married to a rock star! Did you meet him because you were his groupie!?!

Thanks for the fun link!


Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

Just stopping by from Jenny's Party!! I am late getting around to everyone! Love the festival! My husband has been in a band for years and now that some are over 50, they were going to call themselves the Geriatrics! My husband didn't think it was as funny but he isn't 50 yet!!

Susan said...

so nice to see a parade!