Thursday, September 9, 2010

Alphabe Thursday Summer School - Violet

Late for class again, but better late than never. It's our last Rainbow Summer School session and Mrs. Matlock has assigned the color violet. Stop by class and read everyone's essays. Hopefully they will be ALOT better than mine. Without further ado, my post for violet.

This is a violin .......

Therefore, this must be a violet...

Get it? Violet? Sorry folks. I'm sleep deprived, overworked and stressed to the max this week. I've got bupkiss! Stop by Jenny's and see some much more creative work!

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Anonymous said...

LOL, took me a minute but yes, I do get it! LOL!!

Cheryl said...

I can't believe it took me so long to figure this out! I don't have any excuses unless brain dead counts. CLEVER.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

That's very clever, Kat..Now, go have some rest..

Shellbelle said...

My favorite posts are always those that make me laugh out loud and leaves a smile on my face — this one did just that.


Terra said...

Hey at least I am laughing out loud, all alone in front of my computer. well done.

Diana Ferguson said...

Yes, clever........!

Deb said...

love it....

DesignTies said...

Hahahahah!!! OMG, that's priceless!!! :-D


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Kat, you are priceless. Even with all that's on your plate you still have the best sense of humor. Love ya. Hugs, Marty

xinex said...

Veru cute post, Kat! LOL! Hope you get some time to relax....Christine

Blondie's Journal said...

VERY cute, Kat!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was very clever, Kat, and that "violet" was so cute!

Susan Anderson said...

You are too funny, and I liked this way of dealing with violet.


PS. My mom's a violinist!

RNSANE said...

What fun you are! It took my slow brain awhile to get it. I stayed up ALL night watching movies and only slept a few hours so I'm not too functional today!

At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon! ( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my
journey through life - some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

Check out the reviews at my Amazon site to see what others thought of my book!

GardenOfDaisies said...

LOL! Good one! I normally think of Easter when I see pansies too. However they are such a a great little plant... several times I have been able to keep them going all through the summer and into the fall, just by keeping them in the shade.

Anonymous said...

How fun! Sorry I write commentlets.

Tracy said...

Ha ha very good

Tracy said...

Ha ha very good

Jo said...

omg, that was hysterical!!! well done!!!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha!!! Awesome! I did have to read it twice, but then again...I'm often a little slow to a punchline. You deserve an extra A+ for creative thinking!

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you sooooo much for stopping over at my last post... I hope that I can get my violet one up! Our trip to see our kiddos was wonderful, but it went toooo quickly!'s back to work and havent had time to do any blog stuff til now...

signed...bkm said...

Love it - very cute...bkm

Pondside said...

Too, too good! I like the way your mind works!

Viki said...


Unknown said...

That is sooooo cool! Love it! I play the violin! My children take violin & viola lessons!

Hope you can get some rest!
Best wishes,
Anna's Rainbow Violet

H said...

Smart! Does a violet make a squeaklet?

H said...

...or a screechlet!

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

Ha! That H up there is pretty funny - I think I'll go visit her. Loved your violet post Kat. What do you mean you've got bupkiss? You've definitely still got it. Very funny.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love it!

Lourie said...

HAhahaha! Ours goes hand in hand! haha

jeff campbell said...

Soooo funny...I'm with you on the twists...I used the word "inviolate"....Peace and blessings

Jenny said...

Clever, clever girl.

This was such a funny link to Rainbow Summer School!

I hope you're getting better rest now, although it's actually pretty funny to see what you come up with when you're sleep deprived.

Thanks for linking.


And a few ZZZZZzzzzz's.