Saturday, July 25, 2009

Calling all firefighters

As many of you know, my husband runs an art gallery and is the marketing manager for a well known Texas artist. They have just signed a very promising young man who is so talented. Clinton Broyles is a graduate of Texas A & M with a degree in architecture. But his dream is to paint for a living. His work is just beautiful, and we are lucky to own one of his smaller original oil paintings. A few weeks ago I was taking lunch to DH at the gallery. I saw this piece leaning against the wall and stopped dead in my tracks. He told me it was Clinton's newest work and they were thinking of publishing it. It's funny, there are no firefighters in my family, but this just really spoke to me. The artist is from a long line of firefighters, and this is his tribute to them. I just love all of the little details he included, but my favorite is the photograph in the background.

If you have a firestation near your house, surprise these wonderful men and woman with some homebaked cookies or a cake sometime other than Christmas. Or just make sure and say hey when you see them taking a meal break or out and about in your town. Everyone should take the time to thank these wonderful public servants!

I know that many of you in blogland have firefighters in your family, and I thought you might enjoy seeing this tribute to their work and sacrifice. To read more about the artist, go to and click on artist bios.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Kat, that painting is just gorgeous. Such a talent. How fortunate that you husband gets to work with him. He is really fantastic. I do so agree that we really need to honor them in lots of ways for all the hard work and service they do. It really is a thankless job. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous picture. Hugs, Marty

Lori E said...

That is such a special piece of art. It will be so meaningful to whomever buys it. Our fire department is volunteer and we do appreciate them.

Blondie's Journal said...

You can grow anything that can grow un your area. Juat look for that...

I miss hearing from you...give me a let sent email ot snail mail anytime anyttime!!


Blondie's Journal said...

Oh, Kathy... I don't EVEN know what I meant by that last sentence.

Have a wonderful and sweet evening...!


squawmama said...

Hey Kathy... I cannot believe the accuracy in that painting... It almost looks like a photograph... My SIL is a fireman/paramedic and when he is off duty he is a nurse in the emergency room. He just has the gift to help people... We always appreciate our heroes... Thanks


easternsparkle said...

So realistic - what a wonderful talent


Anonymous said...

What an amazing piece of art, wow so talented!! Great job and thanks for the reminder I will send up cookies! Sue

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Kat! What a talented artist! I am sure that it must be even more impressive in person! Thanks for sharing the painting with us! I hope you are having a restful weekend...hugs...Debbie

Anonymous said...

Kathy, sorry about your drought, we have had a very cool wet summer so far, very strange, but the grass is still very very green so that is nice, lol. Thanks for stopping by, and I will have lots of pics of Sedona when we return! Hopefully we wont return to any wet spots like you did, yuck! Sue

Dawn Marie said...

your right, its just beautiful. what great talent this young man has.

Tardevil said...

You're right, that is an awesome picture, and I'm sure it would be lovely in your home! LOL! Maybe your sweetie will surprise you with it! Hope you're having a great summer.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Kat that picture is asesome my friend...and what a great idea about bring them cookies I loved that and will do it for our over worked firemen up here...My great grand Dad was a fireman in Des mOines Iowa and I have a picture of him and his old fire truck...Thanks for sharing this great post...May you have a great week...I'll talk with you when I get back from Texas...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Lovely picture!!!! Funny story about the fire department (love 'em!) DIL was unloading the van, the door closed & locked, and my granddaughter was locked inside. She make the 3 year old understand how to unlock the door...besides, my grandie was having a blast putting on Mommy's makeup, which was in the passenger seat of the car. My DIL had to call the fire department to open the door. Fast forward one week later.....same scenario with the keys locked in the van (at the Y this time). Same fire department to the rescue!!!! My DIL goes ever 9/11 to deliver cookies to the fire department!! Linda

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Oops, "she couldn't make the 3 year old understand"...

xinex said...

Oh Kathy! What an amazing painting done by a talented artist! I like the photograph in the background too. He sure painted it so well, it looks like a real photo...Christine

King of New York Hacks said...

Former Firefighter here, I'll pass thhat sight along, also check out this folk tribut my cousin wrote and produced for the 9/11 tragedy. Or Google New York's Damn Bravest for the you tube video...great stuff.

Melissa Miller said...

Kathy it is a beautifully done piece of art! ~Lovely tribute.

Your kitchen transformation is just amazing my friend! You all really did fantastic work. Love the colorful tilework.

Thanks for coming by tonight and your kindness. Sorry I hav'nt been by in a while. It gets hard to keep up with everyone's newest poats. ~Whew!

Have a wonderfully blessed week.
~Warmly, Melissa :)

DesignTies said...

I thought that was a photography, Kathy! Clinton is so very talented!!

I found it interested that you were showcasing Clinton, but firefighters as well because my city Vancouver is hosting the World Police and Firefighters Games... it's starting this weekend I think. Anyway, they've been advertising it... and than I saw your post. Perfect timing!

Thanks for dropping by DesignTies and for your supportive comments about our huge landscaping project! Oh... and you want our rain? It's unusual for Vancouver, but we're having practically NO rain!! Saturday was a very unusual storm (don't generally get lightning)... but aside from that, we're in the middle of a heat-wave. Here it is, 10pm and I'm sweltering! So... no rain to share with you right now! :-)

All the best,

Shellbelle said...

What a wonderful way for this firefighter to pay tribute to his ancestors!

I was also drawn to this painting, I believe it is the use of the antique fire engines and the old photograph. It takes me back to the days of my childhood, when life was simpler and I always felt safe under my parents care.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Kathy, what wonderful talent.. thanks for swinging by to see the trumpet vine. Darling I sure hope you get some rain soon. The glory of this vine... doesn't require a lot of water.. almost seems to thrive on heat and being dry... I hope all is well your way..
hugs ~lynne~

Dixie said...

No firefighters in the family, but what a beautiful tribute this is...

speaking of fire... no rain here yet either... but think I'll try that windows down trick and see what happens! LOL tried the car wash thing the other day.. and nada...

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What I first glanced at this, I thought it was a photograph of a fireman's desk. It is such a fabulous painting. My son-in-law was a fireman for years. Sadly, when he and our daughter started having children, he just couldn't make enough money as a fire fighter, and had to quit to work another job. Isn't it sad that people who render the greatest services to the public are paid so little? laurie