Jenny has thrown us a minor curve ball this week for
Saturday Centus. Yes, we have a written prompt to use. And yes, we have up to 100 words. BUT - the prompt must be used in a poem. That rhymes! ARGHH! I've never written poetry in my life! I had planned to continue my haunted house story based on this week's prompt. When I saw Jenny's instructions, I almost threw up my hands. But then I started thinking... I know, I know, that can be dangerous. Click
here and
here if you want the back story on this. Click
here to read all the entries from this week and to learn the rules that Centusians must live by. The prompt is in bold font. My apologies in advance to all the great poets out there.
Sassy Girl
I stomped my foot and threw a fit
So dang mad I thought I'd spit
I want to go and have some fun
You know I can, you've seen me run
No girls allowed Frankie said
Smiling, patting me on the head!
I'll show him I'm not a chicken
But if he catches me, I'm in for a lickin'
He didn't hear me slip in the back
Time to launch my sneak attack
Locked the door to the murder room
Hid in the closet with the brooms
Hearing his shouts, I laughed with glee
I may be a girl, but you can't catch ME!
That's cute, wonder how long she'll be in there:@)
Wonderful rhyming, Kat!!! The murder room? How totally wicked!
Great job on this poem, Kat. You can rhyme with the best of 'em!
Each week you amaze me. You tell the best stories, and this one rhymes too. How super is that. Hugs, Marty
Well, you certainly have some serious poetic chops, Kat! This was really well done! Particularly as you had to weave it into your ongoing story line. You always rise to the occasion. And I'm sure the Kat will rise again!
Hahaha Most of the post have said Jenny threw a curve ball, I will have to join again next week to what this writing linky is about. however mine was very small and silly compared to everyone else you can tell I am no writer.
So GEORGETOWN!! Hey neighbor... We moved here from Round Rock. I grew up outside of Houston and moved to Austin when I graduated high school and married my sweets. We moved here to work with our son in mission work. He graduated from Southern Seminary here. We just got a Chey's here on my birthday last Oct!!! That has been wonderful because before that Taco Bell was as close as it got. They don't know BBQ up here either : (
Nice to meet ya I am going to follow you it will be fun to hear things from my old stomping grounds. (today I woke to a blanket of snow- happy spring?) lol
You did it and you did it so well. I want to shout out "Girl power!" and "Kat power!" I love that she hid in the murder room. Great job, Kat. I know that wasn't easy.
Hurray to the power girls...loved this refreshingly original rhyming tale .
Very good job Kat !
In spite of your protests, I think you did great ...very enjoyable too !!!
Hi Kat, you really impress me. You are not just an excellent story teller, you are an excellent poet too!...Christine
Not bad at all! You're a poet and just don't know it.
Tossing It Out
Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge
You did a great job, Kat! Jenny is certainy a tricky one and she's keeping the challenge fresh that way!
Kat! You really know how to do this, and I'm jealous. This is so cute. Thanks.
Wonderful poem, Kat!
Thank you for your kind words on my SC-post. You are 'First Commenter' and get an extra link back to your blog!
Best wishes,
For the benefit of other readers:
Anna's SC-47 'I'm not a Chicken..'
If you want to be smart, you have to be quick! LOL
LOL! Oh, this is delightful, Kat. You never disappoint.
Kat can write,
And Kat can rhyme,
I love her stories anytime!
Sheila :-)
Fantastic job! I love how your poem turned out and how you were able to weave it into you existing storyline. Too awesome.
Kat! Wow! This was fantastic! I totally loved this.
What do you mean you can't rhyme? You are crazy...this was fab. u. luss!
nice rythming,so I need to learn English poems.
very cool. could picture every bit. loved the in for a lickin bit ha ha!
OMG! I know I'm very late to this post, but I've been so darn busy with opening that Etsy Shop and since you haven't posted since, you were wayyyyyy down on my blogroll.
This is absolutely, positively the perfect ending(?) for your Haunted House series! I laughed so hard, I thought'd pee my pants.
Seriously girl, how do you do it? You hit it week and after week. Just when I think you've written something so creative that you couldn't possibly top it…………WHAM, you prove me wrong!
Crap, I'm still shaking me head in wonder!!!!!!
For someone who said she could write a poem, you certainly did a great job with this! So much fun! Hope all is well with you. laurie
Kat, I'm late reading this one, but wanted to say, "Terrific!" Hope you are doing well. ~ Sarah
Kat, I have missd you SO much so I was thrilled to see your note. I'm late visiting from my post last week (still recuperating from the old injury which is still painful... but I do not intend to let it get the best of me). Despite my tardiness, I still wanted to thank you for your sweet comments. I appreciate them and you more than you know.
Love you much and hope all is well there...
I love this!
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