It's time once again to report to Mrs. Matlock's class for Alphabe-Thursday. This week we are to present our papers on the letter F. Since it's been such a horrible, no good, really bad week, you can guess the first word that popped into my head. But this is a PG rated event, so I'll settle for Freezing!
Sunday was a gorgeous day. 78 degrees, sunny, light Southerly breeze. Perfection! DH told me that snow was forecast for Tuesday. I laughed and laughed.
Tuesday morning, I left the house at 6 AM and felt stinging pellets hitting my face - sleet! I crunched out to the car and started it. Then I marched back (well, I slid back) to the house for another cup of coffee while it warmed up. Said to myself, it's just a little sleet, it will blow over.
NOT! We ended up getting about 3 inches of snow, which stuck to the lawns and rooftops. Luckily the streets were warm enough that the roads didn't get too bad. In Austin they had some problems with the elevated bridges and flyovers, but those babies freeze if you drop a slurpee on them, so that was expected. And TXDOT did a good job of prepping them before the weather hit.
Now I know all of my blogger buddies who live up North will laugh at this, but here is what 3 inches of snow looks like in Georgetown, Texas. These were taken in the afternoon when some of it had already started to melt. But you can see the size of the snowflakes - they were huge. I felt sorry for the school kids, the weather system moved in after the busses had already started their routes, so no snow day for them. I imagine there were alot of restless rowdy kids in class!
Can you imagine how confused this poor redbud tree was? It starting budding out last week, now it's being snowed on!
This pretty much look like when we had 5 inches in Natchez a few weeks ago, Kat, and I missed it all. DH sent me pics. I hope we don't freeze anymore cause John said a daffodil in the backyard has bloomed. It's pretty though,isn't it?...Christine
Freezing is Fabulous when it comes in this amount!!! Like powdered sugar on a cake - Frosted Finery.
First-class F!!
Pretty amazing Kat!! Kind of fun if you don't have to drive in it. I bet it was so pretty to look at. Love the music, you always pick the best music to go with your post, Hugs Kathysue
If that is a few inches of snow then you guys must feed a family of 6 off of a goldfish. Lol.
I think you need to break out the metric system there and measure this "snowfall" in centimeters.
We had around 6-8 inches of snow on Monday, and the kids were off from school..
Your photos are great, especially with that snow falling captured, Kat!
I could have had the same title for my post. I bet in a few months you will wish that had some snowman fannies to cool you off. :)
I'm with you! I'm oh so ready for spring to come forth. (luckily, the most recent call for snow dodged us!)
We had a gorgeous spring weekend here too and now we are freezing again! No snow though. I hope this is the last of it.
Oh yes...FONDLY remember spring. As soon as the snow FLAKES decide to disappear, we'll be able to enjoy the FLOWERS once again! Happy Alphabe-Thursday!
I guess all in all we were pretty fortunate here. Even though it snowed all day, it didn't really stick. At least the roads were fine. I'm happy today is bright and sunny.
Oh Kat, this has been the weirdest winter. You have had snow quite a few time. I hope this was the last one. Have a super day. Hugs, Marty
lovely freezing pictures.
yuck, sleet - hope your weather is better next week :D
You have my sympathies! The UK has had it's worst winter for about 40 years - I can't remember a time when we have had such prolonged periods of snow - every week since before Christmas - thankfully the last few weeks have only delivered very wet snow which hasn't settled - bring on the spring!
I know exactly how you feel, here in Tennessee we have had more snow this year than I can even remember! Schools, stores, everything closes down because I live on a mountain!
hey, don't i know you?
this is great...we are in the same class! LOL LOL we can pass notes...share homework...LOL LOL
F for freezing! yes...that is so appropriate...(sadly) LOL but...guess what..i saw a robin!
i whispered for her to send friends your way...
she said she would have to wait until all the fanny remnants had melted! LOL
that was so fun!
AHEMMMM.... Muse! Settle down!
I think perhaps some of the students are having Spring Fever.
But that is no reason to pass notes in class.
Please excuse me.
I enjoyed your F rosty post and F ell very strongly that your F ine work deserves an A+ for the F week.
Mrs. Matlock
I am ready for spring as you will see if you visit my post on the letter F. I hope you week is getting better.
As a northerner ... i really have to laugh .... you have had way more snow than we have this year ... and i live on the side of a mountain ... well it is a small mountain but just the same ... colour me crazy jealous!
I enjoyed seeing your "snow". Right now we're having a blizzard outside but I guess it's all relative to what your used to.
It must be so nice when snow is a surprise Kathy! It looks very pretty in your neighborhood!
Here snow is a fact of life. We are getting more tonight and it is supposed to snow right through till tomorrow! Old man Winter wants to visit longer.
Good Morning Kathy,
Freezing is the word!! This winter in East TN has been the coldest and weirdest that I've ever experienced. One minute the sun is shining, the next minute there is a heavy snowfall--and talk about COLD...OMG Thanks for sharing your snow pics with us.
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit. We love having company.
I don't think you'll be getting much sympathy from the people along the east coast, but for some of us snow is a pretty exciting thing. I miss snow and I'd love to be back east right now and freezing!
LOL !!! LOL :)
Love those teacher comments...
this really IS just like school!
Since we woke up to 34 degree temps here this morning, I can TOTALLY relate to your F word and that little tree this week!
I almost (I said almost) wish we would get a few inches of snow. It is prettier to look at than all the dead trees, plants and grass in my yard.
Stay warm and out of trouble, Muse can be a bad influence at times!
LOL, that is funny! But I understand, just not something you expect!
As I type we are being belted yet again.
My sis lives in TX and she says her gkids are so thrilled with the snow!
I taught school. As soon as the first flake fell they would start asking if they were going to be sent home!! Never happened!
But they are all closed today..
Fair forecasts for you, friend..:)
At first, I thought "snowman fannies" was a typo-- until you explained it! Thanks for the chuckle.
And now it's windy and freezing today! We enjoyed our little bit of snow, too :)
Thanks for your visit! It's not fair is it?.....snow in Texas in February. I read about it and sent sympathy down that way. We're having our usual, beautiful spring up here and loving every moment. I hope your redbud isn't too confused!
Yes that is strange to have snow in Texas but this weather is crazy this year. I too am ready for spring but know it won't come anytime soon...I live very close to Buffalo, NY...don't you feel sorry for me?
I hope your snow has already melted, because your shrubs are already in flower and it would be awful for those to turn brown.
Wonderful post! We've had snow near here too in Seville (unheard of!!) where temperatures reach 90+ in summer & oranges almost "fry" on the trees!
Have a great weekend & look forward to *seeing* your great site again next week!
I have to say honestly I am over winter! I live in SC and we get a mild winter, however snow fall twice this year! It's crazy! Hope you warm up soon!
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