This is my contribution for the week. The prompt is in bold font.
Wind whipped the flags on the tents as the clouds built menacing forts in the sky. I had been looking forward to the festival all year, scrimped and saved to purchase just one of his amazing works. An entire year of clipping coupons, PB& J lunches, Folgers instead of Starbucks. And now I had to outrun the fickle coast weather.
I turned the corner into a maze of booths as disorienting as an Escher drawing, the artist finally coming into sight. Even in the failing light, the glow from the glasswork called to me like a long lost friend.
"Are you sure that's the one you want?"
I felt a little lump in my throat as I peered down at my choice, held tightly in my hand. I didn't think this would be so nerve-wracking. Was I making the wrong decision? I couldn't agonize over this any longer.
I took a deep breath before managing to say, "... Yes, it is."
Interested in joining? Stop by Jenny Matlock - Off On My Tangent for a list of the rules. The link stays live from Saturday to Saturday, so you still have time to join in the fun. And while you are at it, stop by and visit Sophisticated Lunacy. Tom has posted some of the unwritten rules. I promise you will be howling with laughter!
You know all those people in the world who fancy themselves writers....the many who do little more than put finger to key board?
You, my dear, are a real writer. The real deal. This is uber excellent. You could use it as a jumping off point for a short story or more.
Oh, I wish I could see the piece your protagonist chose! (All of them, for that matter.)
Speaking of pieces, this one of your writing is fine. And a great take on the prompt.
Kat, you are so clever. You make every story so real and paint the picture so clear that I can almost see it all. Love this story. Hope you had a super weekend and a great show. Hugs, Marty
You are such a good writer, Kat. I would buy your book if they get published...Christine
Awesome job, Kat! Is it too early to ask for your autograph? This was really great. Hey thanks for the nice shout out too! Very sweet of you.
i have an image of a beautiful picture in my mind :)
Happy ss
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Game FreakZ
Oh the thrill of a treasure in hands! Fantastic and descriptive story..
I am right there with you...
forgoing the joys of culinary treats to save...to stretch every last penny...
to at last hold, to obtain, to cherish that longed for treasure!!!
OOOO I am well pleased with my visit today my dear Kat!
We never know what's going to choose us to be its caretaker. And often there is no rhyme or reason to it.
Nice to hear "Sailing" again -- hadn't heard that beautiful song in years.
Tossing It Out
Wonderful lead in, Kat, and you really know how to place the reader into the story. I agree that you should be an author!
Your words made me feel like I was right there with you! Great job!
I was late with my submission this week, but hope you will stop by and read it!
This was great. I pictured everything in my mind's eye as I read. I just know the choice made was priceless.
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the festival with you.
your writing is so good makes mine seem a pathetic attempt well done
Clever, clever. I am there. I see the place. I see the eccentric artist lounging against one of the silver poles at the front of his booth. Wow! Just Wow!
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