Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weekend Reflections - Downtown Columbus

I missed Weekend Reflections last week, due to a trip out of town for a family wedding. While we were there, we took the time to photograph some of the local sights. I've already shown you Friendship Cemetery, as well as the family farm and a wedding. These are a couple of shots that we took in downtown Columbus.

I like the way the doorway cut the reflection of the SUV in half. And I love the juxtaposition of the old theatre with the sat dishes on top of the building next door.

I shot this because the thought of a "House of Bacchus" in Columbus, Mississippi just had me rolling on the floor laughing. The distorted reflections were an added bonus.

Make sure to stop by and visit James and see some amazing reflection photography.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I love to see old buildings and you have really gotten to where you take the best photos. Great job. I am so glad you had such a good. time. Hugs, marty

Ebie said...

Hi Kathy! What a different contrast of the modern satellite dishes and the old charm! Glad you take time to share these photos.

Nefertiti said...

merci de votre passage,bon w end ;O)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I like looking at old building too! Those are wonderful photos, Kathy..

Reader Wil said...

What I like of this meme are the various reflections: in windows, in mirrors and in water. Another kind of reflection is a kind of meditation.
You showed reflections in your photos.Have a great day! Thanks for your visit!

Crafty Green Poet said...

good photos, I like the split in half SUV reflection!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Kat! Great photos! I love the old theater! And..."House of Bacchus"...??? lol Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

Diane AZ said...

Looks like you had a great trip to Columbus. Neat reflections, my favorite is the SUV cut apart.

Ingrid said...

I join you in roling on the floor,hahaha !

Maia T said...

Nice reflection in the entrance window. I like the contrast between the colorful front of the right building and the empty back of the left one.

Kathysue said...

We have two old theatres in town and I just love them, one has been restored but unfortunatly the other was gutted, what a crime. Kat you are so obeservant. You see all the little nuances of a scene, that is what make a great photographer. Kathysue

lazyclick said...

Beautiful captures. The second shot is very nice.

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful reflections, and beautiful building!
Great shots!

VP said...

A House of Bacchus is really a lot of fun... Nice reflection, either.

penny said...

You have a delightful sense of humor and your reflection shots are wonderful. Thank and have a nice day.

James said...

Very nice! I really like old theaters but I have to admit that I'm not a fan of satellite dishes and modern cars when I want to photograph one. They always seem to be there though. :) I was thinking wine store when I saw "House of Baccus" then I saw the domestic beer signs. :)
Now I'm wondering what the theater looks like inside.

Sirkka´s photo and art said...

Nice to see them old houses.

Helen said...

Hi there! My niece tried flying out of Columbus yesterday ~ but the rain kept her grounded .... a few more delays today, but she is in the air! I do enjoy visiting Columbus when I travel to Athens for a Sister visit.

Dianne said...

very nice shots
I love the color of the building

DesignTies said...

I agree, the juxtaposition of the old building with the satellite dishes is neat :-) And love how the SUV is cut in half -- I've wanted to chop an SUV in half more than once!! ;-0

I agree, the tips I learned from Kimberley's Business of Design seminars can really apply to pretty much any business. And yes, working to live rather than living to work is the way to go!!


jaydubblah said...

Hi, yes, I asked Sparkle's permission before I took the photo!

Icy BC said...

The building is gorgeous, and love old theaters too..It takes me back to old towns that we have traveled passing through..

happily retired gal said...

Wonderful views ... thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,

Carol said...

Nice shots...I like the distorted reflections...also all the different shades of red...

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I love seeing old theaters like that. There is one in our hometown...the Palmetto Theater...except of course we called it the The-A-ter (with a long A). Spent many a Saturday afternoon sitting in the theAter with my friends at the 50 cents matinee. They don't show movies there's been adopted by the local arts council and they do seminars, recitals, and plays.

squawmama said...

Great photos and yes the window reflections were GREAT!!! Have a super day...

Suburban Girl said...

I always find it amusing when I see satellite dishes on old buildings. Once in Salzburg we walked along the Monchsburg and saw old monks buildings with satellite dishes. If only the monks knew what they had been missing all those years.

Carletta said...

Love the old theatre. The SUV in half is pretty cool!

Eden said...

Great reflection shots. I love the doorway cut the reflection too. Have a nice week.

The Muse said...

So happy, delighted in fact that your time was so wonderful! your posts reflect that joy...and i sense a fresh new batch of inspiration...

Great images for your reflections, always love the nature and architectural submissions :)

I sure hope your family continues to stay close, dear Kat :) :)...
Love your music selections playing on your blog :)

Tania said...

Great shots and it looks like a nice place!

Unknown said...

I really like the Art Deco lines of the sign and porch(?) at the entrance of the building.

JennyMac said...

absolutely charming!