Oh, the bell is ringing! Time for my favorite class, Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday. This week our essay is on the letter K. Since I work for a vet, the first word that popped into my head was kitty. So I thought I'd share the story of our sweet little fur baby. Everyone meet Sax! Some of you may have seen parts of this post before - I apologize in advance, but I've been pulling 50 hour weeks at work and DH and I are starting our own business. The brain can only process so much, so I had to reach back into my blog archives and change an old one up!
When our daughter was in high school, she worked part time at the veterinary practice that I manage. We had lost our 3 dogs and 2 cats within 2 years, and just could not bring ourselves to get another. DH and I thought that it would be best to hold off on any pets with Cait getting ready to go to college. It's a big responsibility to care for one of these little creatures, and we assumed (and we were right!) that we might be taking alot of weekend trips for football games, recitals and the like. One day, Cait came home from work and was acting rather odd. I asked how her shift went, and she would not turn to look at me. It was February and she had on a heavy coat. As she turned to go to her room, I saw a little fuzzy head pop out of her jacket! "But Mom," she pleaded. "She was laying in a rain puddle next to the dumpster at work, I couldn't just leave her there" Of course, at this point we had not had a dog or cat in the house for over 2 years. So, we had no cat food, litter, litter pan, or any of the kitty "necessities" I also did not want to get attached to a stray cat that had not been checked out first. So I told Cait to take her up to the clinic and put her in the isolation room, and I would have one of the Doctors check her the next day. If she got a clean bill of health, and Cait purchased the basic cat necessities, we would keep her on a trial basis. The next day, Dr. Webster checked her over well, tested her for all the nasty kitty viruses that are out there, vaccinated her and gave us the thumbs up to take her home. We also discovered that she had a spay scar and was declawed! Sax has turned out to be the best cat we have ever had. She is very social and loves nothing better than laying in our lap or on our chest, attempting to con us into a nap! Turns out napping is the thing she does best, she is the QUEEN of naps! I have read that the average house cat spends 13-18 hours a day sleeping, I think she is trying to beat that average. This is her "pout pose" when I remove her from my lap to use the computer! DH says I bought the new sofa because it matched the cat - hey at least the hair doesn't show as badly!
Just "resting her eyes"
She likes to hide around the corner and pounce on your leg when you come through - she thinks you can't see her!
Staring out the window at her neighborhood boyfriend - Romeo, oh Romeo! She's not allowed outside, daddy is very protective, and remember, she's been declawed. Besides, we have some wicked mockingbirds in our yard! And please, please, please forgive the holy mess in this room - this is Cait's room (I promise you Barney purple was not my idea) and until we redo this room it has become a storage shed! Notice the unframed art on the chair? The glass table top leaning against the window? You should see the other side of the room, or no, maybe you shouldn't.

Thought I'd better post an updated picture of this room after painting. Didn't want to leave you with that vision of purple dancing in your head all day!

This is Sax saying so long, it was nice to visit, but she needs her beauty sleep! I hope you enjoyed meeting our little fur person. Please remember that stray and shelter pets need a home too, and they usually make the very best pets. It's almost as if they understand that you saved their lives, and the unconditional love and patience they offer is beyond compare!

Hope you enjoyed the story of Sax the Kitty. Don't forget to stop by and help Mrs. Matlock read this week's essays!
I enjoyed your kitty story. I always like stories that have a happy ending. I have some kitty stories myself. :)
Sax is an adorable cat. We too once had a cat that was declawed. It was one of these things the people moved and we were supposed to send the cat when they got settled and we never heard from them again. He wasn't allowed out but one time he did get out. He got a bird right away. I think all those years he planned if he ever got out, he was going to make it worth his while LOL.
Your kitty is quite a different color. I love her looks. I have 3 daughters (all grown and out of the house now) and the middle one when runny cross country in high school brought home a stray kitten without our knowing it. I think she and her younger sister kept it hidden in their bedroom for a couple of days. We said no, the kitten stayed and still lives with us.
what a cute kitty. I loved all of the pictures.
Happy K's.
Sweet kitty and sweet story. Thanks for sharing.
Best of luck girl with your new company...Loved seeing your storu about sax once again...May you have a Blessed Easter my Dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Kute Kitty post!
Love that kitty. What a personality!
I liked your Sax story. I do think that strays make the best pets! I have owned many cats throughout my years and I loooove them and will feed any stray that shows up on my door. Joni
Great "K" pictures and story... very cute!!!
are you guys heading out in the RV this year?
Wonderful "K" story and photos. Pets are very special and definitely part of the family. We have 3 dogs but my daughter has a "psycho kitty" that we have all come to love over the years.
One of my favorite K posts! Rescuing animals is a wonderful, wonderful thing!
And I love Sax's name!!!
my favorite photo has to be the one of sax on your daughter's back, watching tv together.
Loved this K.
I love that tortoise shell fur! I had a short haired cat like that. She was a good cat and lived for 20 years.
LOVED your story. Strays do make wonderful pets. I also adopted a stray who was slinking around the middle school where I was teaching 7th grade math. I had him 3 years, until I got married. BlackJack then went to live with the school secretary (husband extremely allergic to cats...and it was a tough decision ;-) and she loved on him until he died at a ripe old age of 16. He was my best cat ever. Give Sax some tummy rubs for me in memory of BlackJack!
GM Kat, It was so fun to hear all about Sax. She does seem like a real love, Kathysue
It's a wonderful story of Sax, and I'm so glad that she found your family!
This makes me want a kitty.
Like your blog.
What a sweet bringing home a kitty story. Sax is beautiful and she looks like such a snuggler.
Sax is so cute and a beautiful cat! All of my kitties have come from the shelter. I wouldn't go anywhere else!
Kat, I love all the pictures of your Sax with Cait. She is just the cutest thing, and I love seeing all of her pictures. Sax is quite the rascal too. Hope you are all ok and have a Blessed Easter. Hugs, Marty
great kitty pics to go with that sweet story :D
What a Kute K post of a beautiful daughter and a Kuddly Kat.
Sounds like you are burning the candle at both ends.
Good luck on your new business. You sound like you have a lot of stamina!
Happy K Day!
The best pets are always the ones that steal their way into your heart when you aren't looking!
Aw! How sweet is Sax! What a beautiful, sweet cat! I can't blame your daughter for bringing her home. I adopted/rescued one of my cats, Garfunkel, when i was still living in the dorms and had to smuggle him in! Love the pictures, they're all so sweet! Great post!
What a great post, Sax is an adorable kitty. I agree with you that strays make the best of pets. My Cindi Lou Who, one of my K's for my post, was a stray.
The Road to Here
I love the kitty story! I worked in a veterinary clinic before I had Kids :) .
whew, thats a whole lot of kitty kuteness! wonderful story & photos!
Sweet story! Kitty is the perfect k-word. Nice that you remind us about stray cats needing homes.
Best wishes,
Anna (Cat-mamma to three cats, one of which was a foundling.)
Your kitty is so kute and kuddly oh sorry can spell properly now. thank your for comments on my blog would love to keep up with you I am newish to this
Awe you are such a softy! What a sweet looking daughter - and Kitty!
I love your Kitty Sax! What a sweetie. I have a fur baby named Charlie and he was shelter kitty. The best cat I have ever had!
aww! cute kitty!
Sounds like Sax landed herself a sweet deal! And so did you.
Good luck on your new venture.
I love kitties! I wish I had the space (and an allergy-free husband) for one here!
Yes, I worked in veterinary clinics for 10 years ... 50 hour weeks just seem to go with the territory! I do live close enough to Georgetown for a job to be feasible ... but, then, I'd have to really work, and I'm having far too much fun spending my days home with the kids and the garden LOL! My husband was a vet. tech. for years ... maybe he could use another job ;) .
Happy Easter!
Aw! Your pretty kitty has a happy home! I love the photo of her watching tv...and looking purr-fectly comfy...:o)
Blessings & Aloha!
(ah! I'm tardy again! Thank goodness Jenny is so forgiving...so now I am trying to catch up with the K posts before it's already time to get the L posts going!) (I'd love if you get a chance to stop by :o)
she is just adorable....I love my kitty's too.....this one has a whole lot of personality! she is a queen.....
I am not a "cat person" but Sax is such an unusual color and I love the different lengths of hair that I am sure that I would end up with that sweetie in my lap! She seems to have such a low key desposition and is so social. When I was young many cats that I was around were high strung and don't like to be petted so that is why I never formed an appreciation of cats but I am changing.
Hi Kat! You know I love gettng a peek at Sax again! She is a beauty, isn't she? And I love how she sits on Cait's back! Thoughts and prayers are going out to yu for your new business! With your hubby's talent and your determination, I am sure it will be a great success! Happy Easter!...hugs...Debbie
Just stop by to wish you a Happy Easter!
Delightful series of family kitty photos. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,
I remember your precious story about your kitty, Kat! He is so cute and Cait looks so affectionate towards her....Christine
I remember your precious story about your kitty, Kat! He is so cute and Cait looks so affectionate towards her....Christine
Hi Kathy!
Sax is such a handsome cat! I loved your story about how he came into your lives and the special bond you all have with him. It is so true that rescued cats and dogs bring so much love into our lives...even more than we can give back to them!
♥ Pat
I have worked for vets since I was 15 (that makes it 14 years) and I have been rescuing animals all over the place. Lucky for me I have been able to find all of them good homes and only actually have one pet....that was until my husband and I rescued a dog on a vacation in Louisiana. Now I think I might have 2 dogs!
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